Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Press Release of Disabled Students' Career Hand Holding Ceremony



"When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us." –Alexander Graham Bell

While the saying goes like this, students of St.Louis College for the Deaf, Adyar, Chennai rejoiced their "opened doors" on the Career Hand Holding Ceremony held on 4th May 2016 at the college premises with Opportunity InfoTech as the Training partner, Ooruni Foundation as the NGO partner and Flex being the Sponsors. This is a spin off event of "We Are Your Voice" initiative's launch ceremony held on 13th February 2016 and the mega job fair conducted exclusively for the hearing impaired students on 4th March 2016.

The program started with a prayer song by the hearing impaired students in sign language, followed by classical dance performed by a hearing impaired student. The show was initiated by the college's Rev.Bro.Xavier Montfort with a thankful speech towards all the kind hearted people behind this noble operation.

The ceremony lit up by the Chief Guests' lighting up the lamp for the prosperity of the students. Mrs.Raghavi K – Founder, The Headway Foundation was one of the Chief Guests along with Mr.Rathinavel Rajan – Head HR, Rexam and Founder – Ooruni Foundation, Mr. Jahir Hussain – Social Activist and Mr. Sukumar Bhaskar – Sr. Director, Flex. Honoring of all the Chief Guests was done by Rev.Bro.Xavier Montfort.

The Chief Guests' motivational and thanks-giving speech took up the show. 71 students received their offer letters and around 100 students received their course completion certificates. Icing up the cake was an award called "Organization of Benevolence" given to all the employers who provided the job opportunity to the students. Many dignitaries expressed their positive feedbacks about this entire mission.

The ceremony wound up by fulfilled hearts of parents followed by the National Anthem.


Warm Regards,

Kasim Basith


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