Saturday, 28 April 2018

PAN India Sahaj Samadhi Meditation with Smt. Bhanumathi Narasimhan

Learn the art of effortless meditation from Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Sister

27th April, 2018: Thousands across India are expected to learn the Sahaj Samadhi meditation technique from Smt. Bhanumathi Narasimhan, sister of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and bestselling author of Gurudev: On the Plateau of the Peak, from the 4th to 6th of May, 2018

With more than 3,000 published scientific studies, the benefits of meditation today are becoming common knowledge. Benefits of regular Sahaj Samadhi practice include clear thinking, increased energy, better physical health, improved relationships and greater peace of mind.

Last October at the World Psychiatry Association's Annual Conference, a study on the effects of Sahaj Samadhi Meditation, on cardiovascular health, nervous system and clinical depression received the award for best research.

The Sahaj Samadhi program teaches an effortless and easy way to practice meditation.  Anybody above 14 years of age can learn to meditate. The participant is taught to use a simple sound mentally which allows the mind to settle down.  As the mind reaches this meditative state, stress disappears, decision making is improved and people experience more clarity in life. 

"Meditation can help you stay energized and productive throughout the day. It can make your smile unshakeable ," says Smt. Bhanumathi, extolling the benefits of this unique technique.  

The program in Chennai will be held at Thiruvanmiyur and OMR. For more details, call - 98840 70304

Warm regards,



Profile of Smt. Bhanu Narasimhan:

An international meditation teacher, who is also leading a movement for providing free education to children in India, and a best-selling author, Bhanumathi Narasimhan, plays all these roles with ease, much to the amazement of many who seek to balance their inner and outer lives. She is also the younger sibling and follower of humanitarian and global spiritual master, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder of The Art of Living.


Bhanumathi today travels around the world to introduce millions on the path of meditation through the now popular Sahaj Samadhi Meditation program of the Art of Living. She has taught in over a hundred countries. As stress related disorders increasingly find way into peoples' lives, the relevance and benefits of the program she teaches, has resonated with the scientific research community. A study on the effects of Sahaj Samadhi Meditation on the cardiovascular health, nervous system and clinical depression was widely acknowledged by the World Psychiatry Association last October. 


Today, she leads the women welfare and child-care initiatives of the Art of Living. Notably, the Gift-a-Smile project, one of the organization's initiatives, supports 435 schools with over 58,904 underprivileged children across India. 


She has also authored a biography of Gurudev titled 'Gurudev: On The Plateau Of The Peak-The Life of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar'. Being the one who has closely witnessed the unfolding of the mystical life of the Master, she has come with a "Masterpiece" that captures not just the life of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, but also the spiritual essence of the life and the influence it has had on many. The book has been on the list of best-selling books on Amazon ever since it released. She has authored two other books, Tejasvini and Lalitha, which expound the spiritual significance and mystical meaning behind popular scriptures and practices.


Bhanumathi holds a Master's Degree in Sanskrit Literature from Bangalore University. She is married with two sons, daughters-in-law and grandchildren. She lives in Bangalore, India and travels all over the world to share the profound wisdom of spirituality and meditation in particular.

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